
Liddol Army Count: 7


Liddol Army Count: 5

I also adjusted the preexisting liddols to reflect a minor new direction I'm going in. Below is, for archival's sake, the old version of the liddols.


I really didn't do shit today- what I *did* do is finally fix the navigation.


My main work is on slowly make a army of "liddols". Example is below.


Liddol Army Count: 4


Did the Graphic Archive! :3 I also made the credits page,


Finished Graphic hoard! :3


Slowly adding the graphics into my graphic hoard! I'm also gonna make little pfp things for my OCs at some point. So that they can have icons and stuff. Wowee.


I made the first of my "archive" pages, this one being for my art! Haven't done much else in the past few days >.>


To-do list moment :3 ... it is quite long. :7 I also tried to do a stamp/blinkie train, but i'm sick of this yo. it's being super mean.


I added a button! I also started work on the archive pages; will finish tomorrow.

9.26.23, again

I've decided to redo how updates are into a new format! This is so that it doesn't get(or at least look) horrendously long lmao. I also added some actual facts into the fun fact box.


Making some progress on having this be the site i want it to be! At the moment, it's mostly backend. I did add a guestbook link to the index page though! :3 i also added Goatcounter(a non-tracking website analytics tool) support so that i can see more of how you guys use my cute website :3


Made the decision to move all updates to... this page! look at it shine :3 I've also added a cool chatbox!!! mwah mwah mwah it's so pretty


More improvements, mostly targeting the index page. Not sure what all of them are tbh.


Did some various adjustments for what i want out of the homepage and redid the index to work how i want it to.
What i did goes as follows:
-Added in the foundations for a fun fact box.
-Added error message for not being able to use JS on here and the index page.
-Redid the index page.
-Actually made Kiran agender(was originally registered as a girl for some reason).
-Made quiz stuff it's own section.
-Removed the higlight of my pronouns(it looks kinda weird imo).
-Tried to add a "you are visitor # [x]" and "last update" thing. it really didn't work.


Finished the "foundation" adjustments of the template.(for context to later viewers, at the time I used a template)


site was created! 🎉

The webmeowner feels: The current mood of f3r4l_c4tg1rl at www.imood.com
  • moar quiz
  • moar facts
  • "how i got here" page

Kiran - Born 9/21/23.